Sinlung /
11 January 2010

Mizoram Celebrates 'Missionary Day'

Aizawl, Jan 11 : All the offices of the state government and churches remained close today as Mizoram observed the 'Missionary day', the 117th anniversary of the arrival of the first Christian priests from UK.

Praise and worship services were held in different churches belonging to different denominations all over the state to mark the day.

On this day in 1894, two English missionaries - J.H. Lorrain and F.W. Savidge, fondly called by the Mizos as Pu Buanga and Sapupa respectively - set foot at Sairang village, 23 km west of here.

Within half a century, almost all the Mizos, earlier animists, were converted into Christianity. The Presbyterian Church Synod in 1974 decided to observe January 11 as 'Missionary day'.


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