Sinlung /
13 January 2010

Nigerian Cheats Arrested by Dimapur Police

Dimapur, Jan 13 : Four Nigeri­ans have been arres­ted in con­nec­tion with SMS lot­tery fraud case involving an unsus­pec­ted vic­tim who was duped of nearly Rs 14 lakh.

The four were brought to Dimapur yes­ter­day from Faridabad and New Delhi for their alleged involve­ment in the fraud by which cell phone users were duped of huge amounts of money, police said today.

The modus operandi of the gang was to trick unsus­pect­ing respond­ents of SMS in depos­it­ing money through cheques/drafts on the prom­ise that they would get huge amounts in dol­lars or pounds.

The arrests of four Nigeri­ans, who came to India on busi­ness visas, were fol­lowed by pick­ing up of two per­sons on Septem­ber 29 last year by Dimapur police from Faridabad and New Delhi.

Police had ini­ti­ated the case fol­low­ing a com­plaint lodged by a vic­tim from Pur­ana Bazaar area of Dimapur on August 17 say­ing he was duped off Rs 13,96,550 through the SMS lot­tery business.

Addi­tional Super­in­tend­ent of Police I Sungit Longkumer said the com­plain­ant received an SMS from one Peter Ander­son inform­ing that he had won one mil­lion Brit­ish pounds in a spe­cial lottery.

When the unsus­pec­ted vic­tim con­tac­ted the per­son through e-mail, he was instruc­ted to deposit Rs 35,000 as clear­ance fee, Rs 1 lakh for anti-terror cer­ti­fic­ate, Rs 2 lakh to obtain author­ity cer­ti­fic­ate from RBI and Rs 4,61,550 for international/local tax and anti-drug certificates.

The vic­tim was again asked to deposit Rs 1.5 lakh, Rs 2.5 lakh and Rs 2 lakh sep­ar­ately for trans­ac­tion fee, local taxes and anti-tax cer­ti­fic­ates respect­ively in dif­fer­ent bank accounts. In this way, the vic­tim already trans­ferred through vari­ous depos­its a total of Rs 13,96,550.


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