Sinlung /
12 January 2010

Volatile Security Affects Manipur Academic Calendar

Imphal, Jan 12 : The volatile security situation in Manipur is threatening the academic careers of thousands of students.

Since September 9, 2009 all schools and colleges in the state have been closed indefinitely by some of the rights organisations protesting against an alleged fake encounter.

A boycott of all schools and colleges under the banner of the Manipur Students Organisation has affected the future of thousands of students into risk.

In a bid to understand and analyze the situation in the state, the All Manipur Recognized Private School Welfare Association organized a debate competiotion on the impact of closing education institutions at Imphal's Gandhi Memorial Hall.

More than fifty students from all over the state participated in the debate and placed their views both against and in favour of the topic.

The debaters highlighted the importance of education and how it is impacted by prolonged closures of educational institutions.

The debate's consensus emphasized the importance of education undisturbed by social and political disruptions.

Parents are extremely worried that their child may lose an academic year. They are against the forcible closure of schools and want studies to resume.

Parents felt that as their children haven't been to school from some time, they have forgotten what they have learnt.

They felt that all organizations should come up with a solution that ensures resumption of classes.

"For the functioning of a state, education is highly needed. The class boycott that is going on since the last 3-4 months is not right. I appreciate the initiative of organizing such debate," said K Premoda, a parent.

"We know students are facing the brunt of the class boycott. But at the end we have to choose between studies or the right to life. In my opinion right to life is more significant. That is why we are supporting class boycott and hope it will be effective," said Luwang a participant.

Three student union bodies - All Manipur Students' Union, the Manipuri Students' Federation and Kangleipak Students' Association - had called for boycott of classes earlier in 2009.

The boycott was in protest of allegedly fake encounter killings that took place on July 23, 2009.

Several schools which defied the boycott and tried to resume teaching were reportedly burnt down by agitators.

Education is the key to success in the modern world and the closure of educational institutions will affect the current generation of Manipuri children's ability to make a place for themselves and compete in the contemporary society.


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