Sinlung /
15 February 2010

MP Calls For UGs to Restrain From Disruptive Activities

SINGHAT Imphal, Feb 15 : The outer Manipur constituency MP Thangso Baite, today urged the militants operating in the rural area not to cause disturbances in rural development project sponsored by the central Government, taken up in various part of the state.

The MP was addressing as the chief guest during the inaugural function of the 26th general conference of Zillai eastern block cum EVYSA sports meet, 2010, held at today at Salam Patong village, Sadar Hill.

Further speaking during the conference the MP stressed the important role of the village chiefs in making the project successful one adding that in order to achieved something one must be committed.

Further he also revealed that some militant organizations have entered in to peace talk with the Government which is a welcome development.

The MP also donated sports material and also presented gifts to the village chief of the area.

The function was also attended by Lamkhogin, president Zillai head quarter, H. Dougnel coordinator, NYK (KPI), village chief from surrounding places etc.  Hoisting of Vaiphei Students’ Association flag by the chief guest, Presentations of cultural items by various cultural troupe of Vaiphei community, talents show by youths and students etc marked the function.


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