Engadget calls the HTC Evo 4G 'easily the best specced phone we've ever witnessed' and 'Sprint's Android-powered knight in superphone armor.'
The Associated Press writes of the new HTC Evo 4G:
To capitalize on the network, Sprint will be releasing a large, iPhone-style smart phone called the Evo 4G, made by HTC Corp. of Taiwan. The phone, showed off by CEO Dan Hesse at the CTIA Wireless show in Las Vegas on Tuesday, will have two cameras: a high-resolution one on the back and a low-resolution one on the front, on the same side as the screen. That's a convenient setup for video calls.Read the Associated Press' full coverage below. See side-by-side comparisons of the HTC Evo 4G, iPhone, and Nexus One on Engadget here, or get more details on the device on PC World.
Video calls are possible - just barely - on current cellular networks, but carriers discourage them or charge extra for them because they consume a lot of wireless capacity. In addition, there aren't many phones with front-facing cameras, making it difficult to talk and capture video simultaneously.

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