Sinlung /
22 March 2010

India to go Maximum Extent to Find Solution to Naga Issue: Pillai

GK-Pillai New Delhi, Mar 22 : Union Home Secretary G K Pillai has said that the Central Government would go maximum extent possible to find a solution to the vexed Naga issue.

‘All I can assure you from the Government of India side is that you will not find us wanting, we would be flexible, we would recognize the history of the Nagas,’ said Pillai.

‘We would try to go the maximum extent possible to find a solution which is honorable and which everybody can accept and live in peace in the future,’ he added.

Pillai sought cooperation from the community in moving ahead with the peace talks.

‘I only hope that we will have and I would request all your cooperation in the months to come as we go ahead with these peace talks. It’s not easy, there are lots of difficulties ahead of us; let us not minimize the problems that lie ahead,’ said Pillai.

‘But I have no doubt that if there is sincerity and goodwill on both sides we should be able to find a solution to the problem that has lingered for more than 60 years,’ he added.

Earlier this month, the leaders of the powerful Nagaland rebel group National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM) held talks with the Centre eyeing upon carrying forward the peace talks.

The NSCN-IM General Secretary Thuingaleng Muivah headed the delegation to New Delhi last month.

The Centre had offered a 1986 Mizo Accord-type solution to the (NSCN-IM), which the group rejected.

The NSCN-IM wants ‘Greater Nagaland’ comprising Naga-inhabited areas of the neighboring states of Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, which would unite 1.2 million Nagas, a demand opposed by these states.

‘Naga problems cannot be solved within Indian Constitution’

Thuingaleng Muivah Camp Hebron (Dimapur, Nagaland) : NSCN (IM) General Secretary Thuingaleng Muivah on Sunday said he had told Union government during talks that Naga problem could not be solved within the framework of Indian Constitution.

"We have told both the Prime Minister and Home Minister during our meetings in no uncertain term that a permanent solution cannot be found within the Indian Constitution since the Naga problem is unique.

"It needs a unique settlement," Muivah told a function to celebrate the 30th 'Republic Day' of NSCN(IM) here.

Muivah, who came to Nagaland on Thursday after holding talks with the Central leaders in New Delhi, said both Prime Minister and Home Minister were sincere to reach an honorable settlement.

We have also expressed our commitment to hammer out a negotiated solution, but no imposition from New Delhi will be accepted by the Nagas" he said.

NSCN(I-M) has been steadfast on the historical rights of the Nagas while holding the peace talks with the Centre during the past 12 years and hoped the Government would respect these inalienable rights, he said.

Muivah asked the Nagas to take a right decision since the "time for our victory is not far away."

Turning to the problems of the Nagas, he was critical of some recent incidents within the NSCN(I-M) and also in the Naga society and said that "degeneration" of values might destroy the Naga political struggle. He called upon all to retrospect to find out where the Nagas had gone wrong.

In his read out speech, NSCN(I-M) Chairman Isak Chishi Swu said Nagas have been seeking for peace but with justice.

"Peace cannot not found by suppressing the rights of the victims, violating human rights and denying the rights of self-determination to the rightful people," he said.

Referring to the present situation in the Naga society, he regretted "our society is invaded by social evils such as organized crime, drug abuse and alcoholism" and said such degradation would not be tolerated.

Calling upon the people to pursue education, the chairman insisted on upholding the Naga culture of paying respect to women and gender-equality.
Besides armed members of the NSCN(I-M), the function was attended by representatives of several Naga civil society organizations, tribal councils, students and youth bodies, women groups and nearby villagers.

Leaders of Naga civil society organizations urged the NSCN(I-M) to expedite the peace talks and maintain transparency while negotiating with the Centre.

NSCN(K) also celebrated the day at its designated camp at Khehoi, near Dimapur and supported the on-going Naga peace and re-conciliation process initiated by Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), a body comprising members from churches, NGOs, civil societies and tribal councils.


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