It's always been a dream of mine to go on a road trip with a few of my good friends, although after seeing "One Crazy Ride," my "exciting" trip across the States definitely can't compete with traveling through Northeast India via motorcycles on roads that aren't meant for anything with wheels.
Director Gaurav Jani and a few of his friends from the 60 KPH motorcycle club in Mumbai traveled a potentially dangerous route throughout the Himalayan state of Arunachal Pradesh in a whirlwind two-part journey in 2005 and 2007.
The object was to find a route that would eliminate the need to cross back into Assam while traveling through Northeast India.
Throughout their journey, the group experienced multiple obstacles, including motorcycle breakdowns, dilapidated bridges, and the occasional leech or snake. Most of the roads were littered with broken tree branches, or were almost impassible due to flooding and mudslides.
But these weary travelers remained in amazingly high spirits, stopping in local villages to celebrate a wedding and joking around with village kids. After about a month on the road, Gaurav was left to complete the ride, as everyone else headed back home for work and family commitments.
It was at this point where Gaurav's dedication to his mission really became obvious, as he set up his Panasonic camera on hillsides to document the rough terrain and capture the beauty of the landscape.
The passion for this project is really what made "One Crazy Ride" so entertaining. The concept of the project, traveling on motorcycles on roads that even the locals don't believe really exist, is interesting and yes, crazy, enough to draw you into the film. However, once the group starts their journey, the beautiful Himalayan mountains and the lively antics of the crew provide an engaging experience for the audience.
Only a group of people who really were dedicated to this project would withstand the multiple catastrophes and potentially hazardous conditions to complete a film.
Screenwriter Nikki and Gaurav Jani were available for a post-screening Q & A, and their recollections of their trip provided excellent commentary as the audience asked about memorable scenes in the film. Jani's next project starts filming in July, and while he didn't reveal exactly what his plans are, anyone who enjoyed "One Crazy Ride" will surely be anticipating any film he releases in the future.
[ via dane101 ]
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