Sinlung /
12 May 2010

Naga Forum Receives Bodies of Naga Students

By Iboyaima Laithangbam

mao students shot dead Mourners gather to pay their respects at the funeral of two Naga students Chakho and Loshuo as it passes through Mao Gate, the town which straddles the border of the north-eastern Indian states of Nagaland and Manipur, some 32kms south of Kohima, following their deaths in clashes between Manipur policemen and protestors during the attempt of National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM) General Secretary TH Muivah to visit his village.

Mao, May 12
: The bodies of two tribal students, Chakho Mao (20) and Loshuo Mao (20), of Mao gate in Manipur — gunned down by security forces on May 6 — were formally received by activists of the Naga Mothers' Association on Tuesday on behalf of the bereaved families.

The families of the victims and other Naga tribal activists had been refusing to claim the bodies, saying that the forces should be first withdrawn from Mao gate and that Thuingaleng Muivah, National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah) general secretary, be allowed to visit Manipur.

A spokeswoman said the burial would take place on Wednesday.

Higher-ups had instructed the police station at Mao to be vigilant on the eve of the burial function to ensure that passions do not run high.

The Naga tribals have been on the war path since May 3 demanding that there be no bar on the visit of Mr. Muivah.

However, the government had said that the visit could not be allowed since he had a “hidden agenda” and cited law and order problems.

The Mao police station had registered cases against unknown persons on May 3 in connection with mob violence. Two Indian Reserve Battalion troopers were seriously hurt during the clash. The mob snatched away one AK-47 rifle and two teargas canister firing guns.

Besides, some police vehicles parked near the station were torched.

Curfew relaxed in Mao

Meanwhile, Mao is slowly limping back to normality. The district administration relaxed curfew for 12 hours from 6 a.m. on Tuesday. Some shops and markets were open.

However, in view of the economic blockade called by the tribal students, no private vehicles were seen. Most of the villagers opted to stay at home.

Members of the Consumers' Club, along with the personnel of the City police, have been raiding several shops to ensure that there was no overpricing of consumer items.


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