Sinlung /
15 June 2010

Jubilant Americans Mock England Goalkeeper Rob Green in Virals Sweeping the Net

If England goalkeeper Rob Green feels he isn't beating himself up enough over his horror gaffe during last night's World Cup match, all he has to do is look on the internet.

Gleeful Americans have already began to take the mick out of the hapless keeper in a series of internet virals.

One such viral has Green scrambling to save the ball as it trickes over the line, with the caption: 'Soccer and oil spills: England just can't contain them.'


Green issues: A picture of English keeper Rob Green scrambling for the ball is linked to BP's handling of the oil spill crisis

Another show's TouTube celebrity 'OMG Cat' watching Green's error with its increasingly horrified expression.

Some others, however, are a little less amusing.

One viral shows a series of idyllic photos of American life - a day at the beach, a pretty woman cooking, cute animals - against images of riots in Britain and burning buildings.


What? YouTube sensation OMG Cat, who has been equally astounded by such things as the Tiger Woods scandal and the iPad launch, watches Green's gaffe

The caption, for reasons known only to the viral artist, reads 'It's a tie: nobody care here'.

Rob Green's nightmare started when Clint Dempsey cleverly spun away from Gerrard on 38 minutes, and sized up to shoot, and drove the ball towards the goal.

As it was not the sweetest strike in the world, most believed Green would scoop it up with little effort.

Rob Green virals

Not so funny: This particular viral apparently highlights the difference between lifestyles in the U.S. and Britain

Inexplicably, however, Green fumbled the ball and it trickled into the back of the net. Green was left to collapse on the ground, his head in his hands, as Dempsey wheeled away in celebration.

It will be an often replayed moment of this year's World Cup, and one that Green will have to live with - but one that Americans will savour with each viewing.

The American press, for example, went so far as to say that last night's match was one of the best in World Cup history.

In a breathless critique, The New York Post said: 'In true revolutionary style, the underdog Americans came from behind and blasted the powerful Brits to a nail-biting 1-1 draw yesterday, in one of the all-time great World Cup soccer battles.'

And this is only one day after the gamer. Expect the virals to continue.

Robert Green

Another viral shows the ill-fated Robert Green diving into a billowing volcano


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