Sinlung /
10 June 2010

Mizoram Prepares to Meet Disasters

disasters Aizawl, Jun 10 : Mizoram is the first among the Indian states to raise State Disaster Response Force, which is currently undergoing its first batch of training at Central Training Institute at Sesawng, about 40 kms from here.

Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Minister N K Chakma, accompanied by his Cabinet colleague H Liansailova, today visited the ongoing training sessions.

Instructors from the Ist battalion NDRF (National Disaster Response Force), Guwahati, were teaching 50 policemen, selected from Ist and 2nd Bn Mizoram Armed Police, how to carry out rescue and relief operations during natural calamities and man-made disasters.

While interacting with the trainees, the Minister said every part of the world is in danger of facing natural and man-made disasters due to rapid climate change, therefore such disaster response training is must.

He pointed out that even as Mizoram is annually ravaged by disasters such as fires, landslides and cyclonic storms, rescue operations could not be carried out smoothly due to lack of training. ''Basic training in disaster management will help us carry out rescue work more efficiently and minimize casualties,'' he opined.

Cabinet Minister S Hiato also encouraged the trainees to learn as much as possible from the training as they are supposed to further mobilise the general masses in disaster management. ''You must be prepared to give even your lives if need be to save others,'' he stated.

Mizoram State Disaster Response Force has four companies, viz, Ist and 2nd battalions each of MAP and Indian Reserve Police.

The first batch of training started from May 24 and will last till June 19.


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