Sinlung /
19 August 2010

Mizoram Adopts UN Anti-Disaster Programme

Disaster Aizawl, Aug 19 : Mizoram has adopted the Government of India- United Nations Development Programme (GoI-UNDP) and Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (DRRP) 2009-2012 by setting up a state steering committee.

The first meeting of the state steering committee, presided over by chief secretary Vanhela Pachuau, today discussed the concept and objectives of GoI-UNDP and DRRP, the DRRP annual work plan-2010 and the proposal for release of funds to district disaster management authorities.

The committee also discussed the issues regarding the draft Mizoram Disaster Management rules, the state crisis management plan, the state disaster management plan to be prepared by Kalinga International Institute of Technology and Science (KIITS), the draft Mizoram state disaster corpus fund and how to utilize this fund. Mock drills under school safety planning were also touched upon in the meeting.

Final report of the Mizoram Earthquake Hazard Zonation Project as submitted by seismologist Lalliana Mualchin, head of State Disaster Response Force.

UNDP has been supporting various social and economic development goals of the Central and the state governments in India over a decade enabling them to minimize losses due to development gains and reduce vulnerabilities to natural disasters.

The coverage of the programme includes more than 30 per cent of the population in India. UNDP works with the government in nearly 200 of the most hazard-prone districts of the country through a multi stakeholder approach. Mizoram, among other North Eastern states, is under the seismic zone V, the highest earthquake risk zone in India.

''A massive earthquake as high as eight magnitude on the Richter scale can occur anytime in Mizoram. Though I cannot predict at what time it will strike, I am sure it will do,'' Lalliana Mualchin said.


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