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10 November 2010

Kat Dennings Nude Pics Leaked Online (NSFW)

Kat Dennings is the latest celeb to find herself amidst a nude photo scandal. The photos showing the actress suggestively stripping for the camera.

Kat Dennings
Kat Dennings 1
Kat Dennings 2
Kat Dennings 3
Kat Dennings 4
Kat Dennings5
Kat Dennings 6



Anonymous said...

Its too bad they are fake. As a graphic designer and a very experienced photshopper, I saw it off the bat. The faces used in the topless pics are exactly the same face. take a closer look, the hair by her face never moves.

Psycho said...

Oooh Milk Maid
lemme get some cookiest some cookies

Anonymous said...

They're the same pic, second set is enhanced. As a graphic designer and experienced photoshopper figured you would notice. Also she's pursuing legal action over these photos and are real.

Anonymous said...

Experience has left you with nothing, I do the same and can't see any indication whatsoever that they have been re-worked.

Anonymous said...

The second set is just zoomed in. I'm surprised your experience hasn't shown you that. They are real and she put them out herself.

Anonymous said...

Lol they are real. Some of them are the same pics smart one lol god some people need to think b4 they try being too cocky and try to show everyone how dumb they actually r

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

for real there is a hot ass girl here and ya'll are talkin about photoshop WGAF!

Anonymous said...

Ha that guy is an idiot. Got to love those Internet experts.

Anonymous said...

You are all feeding a troll. "It's clearly photoshopped, I can tell because of my experience with Photoshop, the pixels, etc., etc., ...." These are statements you should never respond to. This guy is an obvious internet troll, and not a very good one.

Anonymous said...

They are just zoomed in from the other pics... I have no photo shopping experience

Anonymous said...

Lol I thought he was talking about her boobs

Anonymous said...

Her lips and bed covers change ....

Anonymous said...

As a friend of Kat's i can confirm that these pics are the real thing. Graphic expert my ass. You dont know your dick from a worn down #2 pencil you jackass. I have seen her boobs o plenty and this shit aint fake and she did this on purpose.

Anonymous said...

Kat? Ur a fucking goddess.

Anonymous said...

its funny u comment at night

Anonymous said...

She looks like a vampire in the first two

Anonymous said...

I would like to say she is amazing. Love her show and a very sexy lady

Anonymous said...

she is a bonney lass. but there is to many predictable one liners in show. she should come to England and lern about the dark side of theater. all the best

Anonymous said...

she is a good actress but you can see in her eyes she knows she is giffted

Anonymous said...

what! know replys. or have yoi just stoped looking at her tits. think about her on a dark yorshire moor ripping Heathcliffs throught apart. OOPS. coulld be a start of a new gothic series. Cathy can hear you.

Anonymous said...

She leaked these, she pretty much said hey, here's my boobs, Too bad this so called graphics design expert is a moron.

Eric said...

I don't think the gfx design guy's a troll. If he's referring to what I've seen, not here but on other sites, that fourth pic down has been doctored to include her face. Notice none of the pics show her breasts and face in the same shot, but there's a version floating around the 'Net of her topless with the face from the shot of her sitting sideways grafted onto it.
But all the other faces are different, and given the consistency of her surroundings in all the pics it looks legit to me.

Anonymous said...

I troll alotand im not that good at it..but that dude is an idiot

Anonymous said...

I'm a graphics design expert and these are fake. I've never even seen tits and my mom still makes my lunch for me. And fuck the Brit guy too. You fuckin wankers making the shittiest most boring fuckin movies with your lame ass dry sense of humor. Fuck the Queen too, the old hag.

Anonymous said...

She is so gorgeous! I would love to have her as my girl

Anonymous said...

She's hot fake or not and who cares.

Anonymous said...

I've been studying faces and facial expressions for a while now and her face is different in the two pictures. The upper eyelids are tensed and held up further in the picture on top and the eyebrows are pulled together ever so slightly.

Jason Demers said...

I not only love her characters but her openness to be herself off camera. She seems like a real person and by that I mean not fake like most of Hollywood! Stay Sexy Kat!

Anonymous said...

lmao @ the wannabe photoshop dork.
well you need to go back to your night classes at community college and try something other than photoshop! They are not altered, just zoomed in and out.

Try taking the "paint by numbers" class!

Anonymous said...

All real....all real nice...I used to hate cats

Anonymous said...

All real....all real nice...I used to hate cats

Anonymous said...

She would make several babies very happy.

Anonymous said...

Why does anyone care? She's hot. Those are nice tits. Win win

Anonymous said...

You're all commenting on her facial expressions and hair movement...WTF?...I'm staring at her boobs.

Anonymous said...

Me so thirsty!

Anonymous said...

Boobies real or not she is still hot....

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! Come on music career, take off so I can win her over and make her my girl! Lol -Ed Fenwick-

Anonymous said...

The bed frame is of the same type pretty sure these r real.T-Dog

Anonymous said...

These a real and my tits are about the same size. She makes me squirt hard (;

Anonymous said...

To the anon who claims to be the friend with lots of experience with Kat, wtf, she doesn't want tied down to one guy or you aren't what she wants? Either way, hats off to you and are both sets of lips as thick as the one's on her face. Damn near sell my soul to have her.

Anonymous said...

Damn! Now those are a GREAT!!! pair of tits, way 2 go kat :) like they say if you got it flaunt it, and you definitely got it :)

Anonymous said...

She's freakin hot! End of discusion...

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is this chick anyway? She must do some internet porn or something the way you pervs are mouth-huggin'each other.They're just tits for Pete's sake,drop the fucking x-box controller and get outta the basement for once you nerds!

Anonymous said...

To the commenter who said they're fake because the "Two topless photos have the exact same face/hair placement"'s because they are the same picture. One is enlarged.

Anonymous said...

Your photo shop and graphic design back ground fail. They are enlarged zoomed in pics. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Id bang her

Anonymous said...

Not even the same bedding in the photos, lol. SO FAKE. Can't see it? Get yo eyes checked!!!

Unknown said...

The tits are nice, but waking up to that first face in the middle of the night would fucking terrify the fuck outta me.

Crypto said...

Lol photoshop guy is most likely an ex who feels like an ass for losing that sweet piece!!

Lara said...

The photos are real and that IS her bedroom. You can check her Youtube account and confirm it, asshat.

Unknown said...

No doubt Kat is Beautiful and I Love 2 Broke Girls. I could hang out with her.

Graham Bain said...

I'm a titty expert... and those are fantastic!

mlkday said...

While we all debate & declare our knowledge & experience in tha wonderful world of photoshop.., anybody notice her boobs?! Giggity!

Unknown said...

She's a beautiful woman! But I kinda thought and hoped for them to be bigger

ME said...

I wonder who the lucky one is that took the pics....I wouldn't be holding the cam for long!

Blake West said...

Sad to see a guy used these for the wrong activity. Personally I'd have never given these up in exchange for having her around. Don't worry Kat...good guys are out there. We are just getting rarer these days :smh:

Kit kat said...

Those eyes are Kats 100% gorgeous girl.

Unknown said...

I never really paid much attention to this woman til I heard she had nude pics of herself boobies out and the whole 9. And I am honestly blown away because she is very beautiful and curvy. But my question is why would she feel that she'd have to go out of her way and put these out via her agent. And my theory on that is because she was probably pulled aside and told "hey, Kat, of you want this two broke girls project to get off the ground, then leak some sexy nude photos of yourself" and the rest as they say is history. I'm not mad at her for doing it. But it sort of makes sense why this,woman would be giving the finger in the beginning...because maybe she really didn't want to do it. At least that's how these photos felt to me. She's got a great set of breasts Though! I ain't mad at her ;-)

Unknown said...

who ever thinks her boobs are fake, must have never in their life gotten laid, silly fucking virgins. Her boobs are real, jesus.

This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You can see they are real by checking her youtube videos. You can clearly see the exact same bed in most of the videos. Same wallpaper and colour.

Check this video (It is really a Kat video) youtube .com /watch?v=39oQfpDLIS4

Remove the spaces.

You can see the same frame, colour walls and everything else.

So stupid whoever thinks they are fake.

And the books are clearly not fake also...

Unknown said...

Kat Dennings the most beautiful woman in this world

giantslor said...

Would give anything to plow this bitch.

winner 21 said...

Nothing better than a sexy ass, thin beautiful woman with a set of all natural tig o bitties.

Unknown said...

I like the valuable information you provide in your blogs. lovely nudecams

Anonymous said...

I think they are real, and probably a lot of fun to play with...but I want to know where did the Sweat Pants get into the the first shot she's in bed without pants and then she's in them and then there gone for good...

Unknown said...

There were 69 coments before this. Out im curious tó know the guy who had the lucky chance to take those pics. He had a taste of heaven.

Unknown said...

That's hot!!! Totally hot!!!

Tony Stark said...

Nice and Really hot picture. Watch Movie Online Free

Anonymous said...

The pictures are all 100% real How do I know? I took them for her. And then I violated all three holes.

Anonymous said...

As much as I hate to say it, these really are photoshopped. Now, the two pics of her sitting in her bed, those may be authentic, but I can tell you from experience, in the topless pics, her face along with some of her hair, is exactly the same in all the topless pics. Look up the original post of these pictures. They cut her face out of some of the pics posted on this site because they didn't want to stir up the controversy from people saying they are photoshopped. If you compare her face in the original posting of these pics, you will see that her hair on her left side of her face forms a small wave down her face, and if you look over to where the hair breaks away, you will notice she has a small cluster of hair that forms a loop with a bit of a hook at the very end. Keeping this in mind, take a look at the other topless pics of her in different positions, and you will notice that her face remains exactly the same, as does the position and even the shadowing of her hair. Another thing you can look at is her eyes. You will notice the exact same gleam in her eye with a small black dot underneath in all the pictures. With this all being said, you may or may not see what I'm talking about, but compare her face very, very, very carefully in all the pics, and you will notice that they are all the exact same face, just transposed to different pictures. The only difference is going to be her hair on the main part of her shoulders. But if you look closely, you can see the lines where her hair meets the hair of the original photo. Aside from these facts though, these are still very hot pics. Whoever did these really did a great job for assigning a body for her. Her boobs aren't quite that big either, but damn, she's still sexy as hell!

Anonymous said...

Fake or not I think whoever posted this is a disrespectful fool. I look up to he but if she did this she is also a fool. And yes the hair and face is the same in each so maybe it is fake.

Unknown said...

Wow one of her boobs hangs lower than the other just like my balls! We were meant for each other lmao!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah yeah all you fucking experts at nothing but flapping ya gums

Young Jeanius said...

Does the US Postal Service deliver on Sundays?

Young Jeanius said...

Does the US Postal Service deliver on Sundays?

Anonymous said...

Kat Dennings is sexy and curvy! I wouldn't stopped to think twice about tapping that ass. If she and I were the last two peeps on earth, she and I would truly repopulate that earth!

Unknown said...

If you're a graphic designer and Photoshop expert, I have a 13 inch Dick.

And the anonymous claim I g to be a friend of me. Dennings... Following her public profile on Instagram doesnt make you friends.

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Godaddy Dave said...

Erase background from your images

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