Sinlung /
20 November 2010

Spanish Orgasm Election Commercial Offends Politicians

SPANISH-ORGASM-ADA video showing a young woman "simulating an orgasm" in order to encourage voting is under fire from both sides of the political spectrum in Spain, the BBC is reporting.

The video, created by the Young Socialists of Catalonia, shows a woman getting hot and bothered while voting in this month's upcoming regional elections. After she slides her vote into the box, the video concludes, "Voting is a pleasure." (Scroll down to watch.)

The ad is getting both conservative and liberal parties worked up. Both have condemned the video as insulting to women. According to the BBC:

The leader of the conservative opposition Popular Party of Catalonia, Alicia Sanchez-Camacho, said the video was an "attack on the dignity of women".

The health minister, Leire Pajin, who is a Socialist, called on all parties to show respect for women and to act responsibly.

Also, according to the Telegraph, the "Catalan nationalist Convergence and Union coalition condemned the video as 'filth'." Is this Catalonian climax commercial degrading, or is it a fun way to get out the youth vote? Watch below and decide.


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