Sinlung /
29 April 2011

Britain's Royal Wedding in Numbers

St Andrews prepares for a street party to celebrate the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton - AFP

St Andrews prepares for a street party to celebrate the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton

London, Apr 29 : The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton on Friday is the biggest royal event in Britain for 30 years. Here are a few key numbers for the day:

One gold ring: Only Kate will receive one during the ceremony, William having opted not to wear the traditional marriage band.

Two wedding cakes: The traditional fruit cake and a special chocolate biscuit cake, a childhood favourite of the groom.

Four bridesmaids: They will accompany Kate down the aisle, along with two pageboys and a maid of honour, her sister Pippa.

Six exes: William and Kate have invited some of their old flames.

10 bells at Westminster Abbey: They will rang out for half an hour before the marriage ceremony and for three hours after.

13 wives: Which one will King Mswati II of Swaziland bring with him?

17 degrees Celsius: The maximum temperature expected in London on Friday.

35 sniffer dogs: As part of a major security operation, they will seek out any potential bombs.

39 musicians: The London Chamber Orchestra will play at the service, tucked away in the loft of the abbey.

102 feet (31 metres) high: the vault at Westminster Abbey.

160 horses: The military will put on their best ceremonial uniforms to line the route and escort the royal couple.

775 rooms at Buckingham Palace: including 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.

1,900 guests: the lucky ones who received invitations.

5,500 street parties: Britain celebrates a public holiday.

11,000 security barriers: to keep the crowds back along the procession route between Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace.

2.5 million cocktail sausages: sold by Marks and Spencers for the celebrations.

3.5 million mugs: William and Kate have spawned a multitude of souvenirs.

Two billion viewers: Ministers expect a massive global television audience.


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