![WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery](http://www.thenoisecast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Williams_Warn_white-264x300.jpg)
That’s a pretty awesome thing to accomplish in a week, regardless of whether or not you believe it, right?
It’s not every day that someone wakes up on Monday and says, “man I’m bored, I think I’m going to create me a planet by Sunday.”
Well a company out of New Zealand called WilliamsWarn is allowing you to accomplish something even more awesome than planetogenesis (made up word, still sounds cool), all in the same amount of time: brewing your own beer.
I can feel your heart racing and I can see that huge grin on your face already.
The WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery is a waist-high device on wheels that can replace your water cooler’s footprint if you so choose.
Which you should, because who wouldn’t want a cold, delicious, frothy brew that will spark conversations that are infinitely more awesome and interesting than those sparked by a paper cup of water?
The WialliamsWarn Personal Brewery will run you 5,660 New Zealand Dollars (a little over $4,400 USD) from their website and ingredients are priced separately, but at $40 USD for a Blonde Ale pack that will make 23 liters of beer and the fact that your home or office will have its own personal brewery makes it so well worth the price!
And if that isn’t convincing enough, then check out the video below as it features the three things required to sell you on luxury beer: a suave narrator with a New Zealand accent, a man staring intently at
The WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery from WilliamsWarn on Vimeo.
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