Sinlung /
14 April 2011

Meet iTrevor, The Dancing Apple Store Boy

The Boy has already attracted a cult online following

By Rachel Quigley

A boy who videos himself dancing wildly in Apple stores is set to be the next YouTube sensation.

Trevor, or iTr3vor - his internet persona - has posted a number of videos on the site of him dancing to various popular songs.

He walks into the Apple store to use one of the many Macs they have available for public use, turns on the camera, introduces himself and the song before launching into his choreographed dance, much to the amusement of the Apple patrons around him.

Set up: Trever sets about his task and introduces his song, with a far from pleased customer looking on in the background

Set up: Trever sets about his task and introduces his song, with a far from pleased customer looking on in the background

Throw some shapes: Trevor gets down on his Apple dancefloor while the bemused 'fans' look on in horror

Throw some shapes: Trevor gets down on his Apple dancefloor while the bemused 'fans' look on in horror

Oblivious: the rest of the customers go about their business, seemingly unaware that Trevor is dancing wildly in the background

Oblivious: the rest of the customers go about their business, seemingly unaware that Trevor is dancing wildly in the background

Many people ignore him, some look on in amusement, some even join in with his rauccous dancing. Apple workers tend to turn a blind eye to what Trevor does.

In one video, three girls in the background are obviously not impressed by his moves and are seen throwing him various looks of disgust and disparagement.

In the same video, an Apple worker eventually comes over and turns off the music, ruining Trevor's performance of the day.

In another, he is joined by a friend Spencer as they dance to Willow Smith's Whip My Hair.

Party pooper: An Apple store employee turns off the video, ending Trevor's fun and letting other customers enjoy their peace and quiet

Party pooper: An Apple store employee turns off the video, ending Trevor's fun and letting other customers enjoy their peace and quiet

Sad face: A disappointed Trevor tells fans his dance is over for today, but promises his fans he will back with more next week

Sad face: A disappointed Trevor tells fans his dance is over for today, but promises his fans he will back with more next week

Crazy: In another video, Trevor 'whips his hair back and forth' like Willow Smith

Crazy: In another video, Trevor 'whips his hair back and forth' like Willow Smith

Trevor has already attracted a cult following and responds to requests from fans.

At the beginning of one video he says to the camera: 'Hi guys it's iTrevor, you wanted even more videos of me dancing in Apple stores, well here you go.'

He then launches into a Britney Spears dance.

His videos receive a varied number of hits, anything from 10,000 to 100,000.

His most popular video to date is his dance to failed American Idol contestant Rebecca Black, for which he drew more than 350,000 hits.

He even has his own website, mainly of he and his friend Spencer doing wacky things on camera, carefully edited by iMovie software.

According to his Twitter page, he is trying to draw the attention of chat show host Ellen de Generes and appear on her show as she is a fan of dancing YouTube sensations.


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