Sinlung /
09 May 2011

Tweets Expose Celeb Secrets

Twitter user ‘exposes celebs’ top-secret super-injunctions’

Twitter home page - AP

A Twitter user is said to have exposed some celebrities who have obtained super-injunctions to prevent publication of details of their private lives.

The single user, who quickly attracted a following of 5,000 on his Twitter page, claimed to ‘out’ those behind the legal gagging orders, though the tweets appeared to contain errors.

So many Twitter users began exchanging messages supposedly naming high-profile figures who have hidden their secrets that part of the site crashed.

The move exposed the total inadequacy of court rulings that gag the press – but have no effective control over what is published online.

“It shows the utter absurdity of what is being done in the courts. It ignores the way that modern communication works” the Daily Mail quoted Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming, who is compiling a report on super-injunctions, as saying.

In the latest apparent outing, Jemima Khan was incorrectly named as having gagged intimate photographs of her with a married TV star.

The socialite immediately struck back, denying the claims.

“This is not true. I have no super injunction,” she tweeted.

The user may be some ‘students having a laugh’, but according to her “it is not very funny if you are someone’s wife”.

There also appears to be an earlier version of the page on Twitter, but with all the names of the celebrities redacted.

Twitter, however, said it was not responsible for adding the word 'redacted' to the tweets.

There is growing concern that the use of unregulated and unmonitored privacy injunctions is spiralling out of control.


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