Sinlung /
21 June 2011

No Pension For Mizoram Deficit School Teachers, Jun 21 : Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla today made it crystal clear that it is not possible to give retirement facilities to deficit school teachers in the state.

''While the Central government has stopped pension benefits to regular government employees recruited after September 1, 2010, the state government is not in a position to meet the deficit school teachers’ demand for retirement facilities,'' Lal Thanhawla told leaders of Mizoram Presbyterian Synod, who met him today, on behalf of the agitating Mizoram Deficit Mission School Association (MDMSA).

On the demand for regularisation of contractual teachers in the Deficit Mission Schools, the Chief Minister stated that there are a number of contractual employees in different government departments too and the issue of deficit school teachers can not be isolated.

On their demand for entitlement of the sixth pay recommendations, the Chief Minister also pointed out that employees of the different polytechnics were also yet to get the sixth pay salaries.

The matter was being discussed with the finance department and they would get it sooner or later, he assured them.

Lal Thanhawla disclosed that he was disappointed by the school teachers putting pressure on the government without first considering the financial situation.

It may be noted that the deficit school teachers have chalked out a series of agitations and has even set a deadline for the government to fulfill their demands.

''If the government does not fulfill a demand of a group, it is not necessarily the government is unwilling. If time and money allow us, the government is willing to meet all your demands, provided the demands are genuine,'' he added.

Education Minister Lalsawta, who was also present at the meeting, explained about the rules for Mizoram mission deficit schools which were at the draft stage.

''The draft rules aims to give greater autonomy to managing board of each school, which further aim to give better administration without direct control from the government. It does not mean to take away certain privileges being enjoyed by the schools as the teachers have feared,'' he made it clear.

During the meeting, the government officials also highlighted the financial constraints being faced by the government in paying teachers’ salaries.

They informed the Synod leaders that only Rs 2825.6 lakh had been allocated in the budget for teachers’ salaries in 2011-2012 against the actual requirement of Rs 3904.8 lakh.

The government agreed to give 25 per cent DA arrears to the deficit school teachers and asked them to work out the amount required for that.


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