Aizawl, Jul 28 : Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla today accused the underground group Hmar Peoples Convention-Democratic (HPC-D) of violating a suspension of operation (SoO) agreement it had signed with the Centre in 2007.
"Several insurgent groups of the NE came under the umbrella of UPF (United Peoples Forum) in August 2007. I am not sure about the exact date to begin a political dialogue with the Central government. HPC-D was part of the UPF," Lal Thanhawla said in the Mizoram state assembly today.
"According to the agreement, the HPC-D was supposed to stop all kind of anti-social activities.
Instead, the underground group continued extortion rackets in northeastern parts of Mizoram.
As that was not what the HPC-D was supposed to do, we had to inform the central government," the Chief Minister continued.
Even though the HPC-D argued that the suspension of operation did not include Assam and Mizoram, the Central Government maintained that it did, he added.
On the alleged suspension of political dialogue with the HPC-D by the State government, Lal Thanhawla said, "We are not unwilling to talk.
But, it is the Centre, and not us, who are to hold talks with the insurgent group."
''If an insurgent group continues anti-social activities notwithstanding a truce, it should be treated as dacoits. So are offshoots of a main insurgent group,'' Lal Thanhawla added.
Pointing out that the Centre, in collaboration with state polices, has begun combing operation in Assam-Tripura-Mizoram border areas to flush out militants, Lal Thanhawla warned that if the HPC-D continues underground activities in Mizoram-Manipur border areas, the Centre would crack down on them.
To make this statement, the Chief Minister intervened when State Home Minister R Lalzirliana was answering queries raised by some members pertaining to the Sinlung Hills Development Council (SHDP), in the Hmar-dominated northeastern part of Mizoram, whose council members resigned en masse recently.
The HPC-D was an offshoot of the Hmar Peoples Convention, following dissatisfaction with the 1994 peace agreement, and continued to fight self-government for the Hmars in northeastern parts of Mizoram
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