Sinlung /
03 November 2011

China Envoy Ro Journos: 'Shut Up' on Arunachal

Sinlung Says: Chinese Ambassador might be right or wrong...but Arunachal will be blessed if its part of China...The world’s largest economy. That's All we say. Arunachalis won't be second class citizens at least by looks.

New Delhi: Chinese Ambassador to India on Thursday told journalists to 'shut up' when questioned about map showing Ladakh and Arunachal as part of China.

Chinese Ambassador was attending an event in Delhi where a Chinese company's brochure showed Arunachal and Ladakh as part of China.

The Joint Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs who was present at the event had already raised the issue with the Ambassador.

The incident just happened suddenly at an event in New Delhi involving a delegation from Sichiang, which was being shepherded by the Chinese ambassador. A brochure given by a Chinese company, which is involved in some projects in India, showed a map of Ladakh and Arunachal as a part of China.

When a journalist from Outlook Business asked the ambassador for his reaction on that, he was asked to shut up. So, there were some raised voices in the process, and the Joint Secretary, China also intervened.

The matter was apparently sorted out, but it's not clear if the Chinese ambassador apologised for his remark.

But it's pretty clear that since the map also involved a China's stated position, it's unlikely that the ambassador would have gone back on that either.


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