One girl's journey from student to sophisticate becomes YouTube hit after she takes photo of herself every day for four-and-a-half years
By Tamara Abraham
A girl has sparked a YouTube sensation by taking a photograph of herself every day for the past four-and-a-half years.
The 41-minute time-lapse video, which has had over 3 million views, shows the hundreds of photos, taken between September 29 2006 and May 12 2011, in sequence.
Viewed in quick succession, the pictures reveal her journey from dishevelled student to elegant young woman.
Style evolution: A girl's time-lapse video of daily photographs from the past four-and-a-half years has become a YouTube sensation
From student to sophisticated: The photographs, taken religiously, even on off days, or if she was in fancy dress, show how her look has changed over time
While many of the clothes and accessories she wears reappear from time-to-time, it is clear that her hair is where she has been most experimantal.
The earlier photographs, many taken in the same location - perhaps student halls - show a short bob. But before long she bravely chops it all off into a more daring boyish style.
Dated: The earliest images, many taken in the same location - perhaps student halls - show a short bob. She wears little make-up and casual clothes
Daring: Before long, she bravely chops it all off into a more daring boyish style. As a pretty girl with defined features, she pulls it off well - even when it was growing out
As a pretty girl with defined features, she pulls it off well - even during that awkward 'growing out' phase, which, as many of us are well aware, is unavoidable.
But it gets to a point, it seems, where it it just too long, so she goes for the chop again - this time a sharp Gallic bob with fringe. It's a cut that works well with a mortarboard, as we see in one frame, where she is clearly graduating university.
From here on her look continues to sharpen up. Now, perhaps in the world of work, we see her wearing more elegant jewellery, pearls and simple chains, compared with the novelty earrings of the earlier pictures.
Growing out phase: As her hair gets longer, she can experiment more with it, and eventually it is long enough to pull back into a ponytail
Grown-up new 'do: It seems there comes a point when it is just too long, and she goes for the crop again - a Gallic bob with a blunt fringe - just in time for her graduationMake-up is no longer reserved for fancy dress. Instead, bold reddish oranges are bang on trend and perfect for the office.
The fringe is a little grown out, but, maintained by a hairdresser perhaps, is a softer, flattering look.
The girl, who goes only by the YouTube username Madandcrazychild, is unnamed on the video, shows every photograph on her blog, Clickflashwhirr.
She writes only: 'My face has grown out of the front of my head since birth. There seems to be very little I can do about it.'
Elegant: Now, perhaps in the world of work, make-up is no longer reserved for fancy dress. Instead, bold reddish oranges are bang on trend and perfect for the office
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