Sinlung /
02 November 2011

Planning Commission Lauds Mizoram Flagship Project

New Land Use Policy Mizoram LaunchAizawl, Nov 2 : Planning Commission member Secretary Suddha Pillai, who was on a two-day visit to Mizoram, today expressed her optimism that the state government’s flagship programme- New Land Use Policy had the potential to improve the state’s economy dramatically.

Suddha Pillai visited farms in Sihphir, about 15 kms from Aizawl, this morning where NLUP beneficiaries had cultivated Chayote and other crops.

At a brief function, Pillai mentioned her deep impression on their interest in NLUP which she felt had the potential to improve Mizoram economy dramatically.

She pointed out that all government schemes were for the benefit of the people and people were obliged to make full use of it.

Visiting the farms, Pillai felt measures should be taken to improve the drastic low prices farmers get for their produce so that they would receive appropriate benefits for their toil and urged the district authorities to look into it.

She also suggested that pictures should be uploaded on internet whenever new developments take place to serve as visual evidence.

In the first five years, the NLUP aims to support 1,20,000 families.

The departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Veterinary, Industries, Forest, Fisheries, Sericulture and Soil and Water Conservation would be involved in the scheme.

About 80 per cent of farmers in Mizoram still depend on jhum cultivation that involves clearing of forests and burning trees, weeds and bamboos.

The NLUP aims to restore ecological balance by providing the farmers alternative sustainable and permanent land-based means of livelihood. It also aims to create 21,480 hectares of bamboo plantation to benefit 10,740 families.

Despite the slash-and-burn system of cultivation, Mizoram has a large forest cover area of 75.77 per cent of the total land.

The NLUP intends to keep 60 per cent of the State’s total geographical area under forest cover and the remaining 40 per cent for land-based development.


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