I sincerely hope you haven’t come across this article in the middle of the night. For many of us, it is troublesome to get the recommended dose of 8 hours of beauty sleep. These episodes of sleepless nights may come and go, last up to weeks, or be long-lasting (chronic) for many of us.
Insomnia is trouble falling asleep or staying awake through the night.
How do I know if suffer from a sleep disorder?
If you’ve have any of the following conditions you might suffer from a sleep disorder:
- Trouble falling asleep on most nights
- Feeling tired during the day
- Not feeling refreshed when you wake up
- Waking up several times during sleep
- Hormones – Changes in the internal physical condition like hormonal changes or a physical ailment may cause sleeplessness. Also with age sleep patterns tend to change. You might have heard older people say that they wake up more often at nights. Medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, are known to be triggers.
- Physical pain or discomfort – Obviously, any type of pain will cause lack of sleep and affects one’s healthy functioning and mental state.
- Lifestyle habits – Regular night-outs or late night parties, high amounts of junk food (especially at night), irregular eating, sleeping at odd hours, working late nights or working the night shift triggers a random response in the “Circadian Cycle” (responsible for maintaining natural processes) and may eventually cause insomnia.
- Medications and drugs – One of the side effects of medication for ailments may be sleepless nights. If you have been taking sleeping pills, withdrawal symptoms may cause rebound insomnia.
- Mental health – Any form of mental distress like anxiety, sadness and severe disorders like depression and bipolar disorder can cause insomnia. Such times call for professional help.
- Stress - Mind affects body and body affects mind. Stress takes its toll, whether it is short-term or long-term. This vicious cycle of stress affecting sleep and vice versa causes chronic insomnia.
- Sleep time – Each one of one is unique, even with our sleep patterns. Some people feel refreshed with only 6 hours of sleep; others might need 9 – 10 to 11 hours. Know what your body needs. Fix up your sleep time accordingly. Always maintain regular sleep and waking up times to regularize your sleep patterns.
- Visit the doctor – Your physician can help to review any drugs, medical conditions or stressful situations that may be causing your insomnia or making it worse.
- Lifestyle management – Maintain a routine that is not extreme. If your work demands it, balance it by other factors like diet and a healthy mental state. Meditation, creative visualization may help you be calmer and restful.
- Daytime sleepiness – Stop those afternoon naps. 2 p.m.to 6 p.m. is the most susceptible zone for naps. Indulge in some physical activity that requires you to move about during that time.
- Physical activity – Physical exercise or a walk before bed time is ideal for chronic insomnia. Team up with someone or even with soothing music to help you maintain it as a habit.
- Diet – Have a healthy dinner, drink warm milk or herbal tea with camomile. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco to help you sleep quickly.
- Pamper yourself to sleep with warm bath with bath salts, massages, soothing music or chants, stomach rub or a hot water bottle.
- Avoid any engaging activity like watching TV or reading a book just because you cannot sleep.
- Do something monotonous – Count sheep or try to chant the alphabet backwards. Keep at it till you sleep out of sheer boredom.
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