Elisany da Cruz Silva, 17, measures an unbelievable 6ft 8in tall and has to bend down to plant a kiss on her 4ft 4in lover Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho, 22.
The youngster, from Salinopolis in Brazil, has a form of gigantism because of a tumour on her pituitary gland, which regulates growth. Doctors have since removed the tumour.

The height of passion: Brazil's tallest teen,
Elisany da Cruz Silva with her boyfriend, Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho
in Salinopolis, Brazil

Loved up: At 6ft 8in-tall, Elisany towers over her smitten partner, who is just 5ft 4in
'The only thing that really affects us is when we hang out holding hands - it seems like he is my little brother or son.
'But I didn't choose him, God did.'

Tender: The couple says the extreme height difference does not matter

Love no matter what: Francinaldo says his girlfriend, who aspires to be a model, is a 'beautiful person'

The pair are happy together and she loves
nothing more than stooping to kiss him and giving him clothes from the
top shelf which he cannot reach
He added: 'She is a beautiful person. She is tall but she is so pretty, with a beautiful face. I don't mind having a tall girlfriend.
'I feel free and relaxed as a person and don't care what people say.'

Condition: The pretty 17-year-old who aspires to be a model, has a form of gigantism caused by a tumour of the pituitary gland

Surgeons removed the tumour causing her height condition two years ago after her story was first publicised
She added: 'It's hard when I'm inside home. I get distracted and hit the wood in the ceiling with my head.
Elisany lives in a small house with her sisters and mother Ana Maria Silva and step-father Luiz Jorge.
Her mother said: 'I want her be like the other girls because I know she feels weird and sometimes wants to be like them.'

Family: Elisany da Cruz Silva with her mother Ana Maria Ramos in Salinopolis in the north of Brazil

Elisany with her mother, Ana Maria Ramos, and sister, Meire. Her quick growth caused her migraines and pains in her limbs
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