Tezpur, May 15 : The population of Arunachal Pradesh according to Census 2011 is 13,83,727, a decadal growth of 26.03 per cent.
The highest decadal growth in population has been recorded in Kurung Kumey district.
Papum Pare occupies the first position in
population density, followed by Tirap district. The lowest density of
population has been recorded in Dibang Valley district.
The data was revealed in the Primary
Census Abstract (PCA) Data, Census of India, 2011, for Arunachal
Pradesh, released by the directorate of census operations, government of
Arunachal Pradesh, at the press club in Itanagar today.
The PCA data included 16 districts, 188 circles, 26 statutory towns, one census town and 5,589 villages in the state.
The number of literate people in the state has been recorded at 7,66,005 in 2011 as against 4,84,785 in 2001.
Papum Pare recorded the highest literacy
rate with 79.95 per cent followed by Lower Subansiri with 74.35 per
cent, while Kurung Kumey recorded the lowest literacy rate with 48.75
per cent.
The growth rate of females (29.30 per cent) is higher than males (23.10 per cent) during the decade.
Releasing the PCA data, Bharati Chandra,
joint director of census operations, gave the data highlights on PCA
2011, which showed decadal increase of total number of households by
25.51 per cent.
She said the PCA data was the first set of final data from the population enumeration exercise held in February 2011.
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