Sinlung /
27 May 2014

British Musician Collaborating With Naga Band

Kolkata, May 27
: After assimilating folk tunes of Nagaland in rock music to make it catchy, Alobo Naga and The Band (ANTB) is now collaborating with eminent British music producer Tim Palmer for their new album.

"We play contemporary progressive rock music but put Naga folk tunes into it because it is very catchy and sounds different," the Dimapur-based band's lead vocalist Alobo Naga told PTI here.

Their first full-length album 'All We Have is Now', due to release later in the year, will have 3-4 songs mixed and mastered by the Grammy-nominated Palmer.

Naga said folk tunes of the north-eastern state, which has a rich musical tradition, gels well with rock music and creates a distinct sound making it very popular with the youth.

Having won the 2012 'Best Indian Act' at MTV Music Awards, the band had risen to fame with their video single 'Painted Dreams' and also got premiered in Vh1 channel.

The five-member band was in Kolkata recently to participate in the '100 Pipers Vh1 Sound Nation' concert.

The lyrics of their album is based on social issues and dreams of the youth.

'All We Have is Now' is based on the prevailing political scenario in the world where the privileged class gets all the opportunities while those who work hard have to struggle for existence.

"Our another song is called 'Let Her Live'. This is against the increasing instances of crime against women and children in India. This is our way of raising awareness on the issue," Naga said.

They also have a youth anthem in the album which tries to give voice to the rights of the young generation.

"We are giving positive messages to society as music is a very powerful tool," the songwriter said.


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Good musician and band which has a rich musical tradition, gels well with rock music and creates a distinct sound making it very popular with the youth. Thanks for sharing your article about musician.

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Is this band from Korea or Indonesia?? Because I have seen them in Korea at concert arranged by Oxford University.

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Anonymous said...

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Global Learning School said...

An impressive share! I absolutely appreciate this collaboration and their songs on the issues these days in our societies. You're doing a great job, guys! Keep it higher. Wish you good luck. :-)

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